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Do's and Don'ts

  • Don't remove a kitten straight away if you find one on its own. Please observe it from a distance for a while before picking it up. The mother may be near by and coming back to it.

  • Do not give cats or kittens cows milk. It will give them diarrhoea. Please give cat or kitten milk only. Kitten formula can be bought locally in the Cooperativa store between Pollensa and Puerto Pollensa. Contact us for advice.

  • Do take ill or injured street cats and kittens to the nearest vet if you can. We work closely with Moixica in Puerto Pollensa. Please contact us by email if you need to borrow a cat carrier or need advice. The vets often have traps or carriers you can borrow. 

  • Do be careful where you feed cats. They can be unwelcome in some restaurants and other customers might not like them. This can lead to restaurant owners taking brutal action. If staying in a villa, please feed away from the villa as other guests may not appreciate cats on their door step.

  • Do contact us if you wish to help feed the stray cats, and we can advise as we have special feeding places. Please only leave cat food if possible as leftover food attracts rats and then unwanted attention. 

  • Do keep some dry cat food with you to feed to any hungry strays you may come across.

  • Do remember strays need water as well as food.​




  • Clinica Veterinaria Moixica - Carrer de Roger de Flor, 39, Puerto Pollenca             Tel: +34 971 86 68 42

  • Clinica Veterinaria Pollenca - Carrer de la Reina, Maria Cristina, 5, Pollenca        Tel: +34 971 53 03 51

  • Clinica Veterinaria Alcudia - Arda la Marina no. 10, 07400, Alcudia            Tel: +34 971 54 79 76

  • Clinica Arol, Palma  Tel: (+34) 971 752 546  Emergencies (+34) 636 677 740

  • Clinica Canis, Palma  Tel: (+34) 971 732 100

  • Clinica Can Picafort  Tel: +34 678 37 72 46 (Whatsapp)



Emergencies - please email us details of the situation, the exact location with a google pin and photos if possible. We will do our best to help if we are able. Or, you can contact the vet closest to you and take the cat to the vets for treatment. Often the vets have cat carriers they can loan, or you can buy one from Pollensa Shopping Centre in between Puerto Pollensa and Pollensa. We may be able to loan a carrier if you are able to collect it from Puerto Pollensa.


Neutering - you can help us greatly by taking the cat to the vets for neutering. If you need to borrow a trap, often vets have traps that they can loan to you. We can also loan you a trap with a 50 euro refundable deposit and we can also advise on how to trap and the do's and don'ts of trapping. Please contact us to arrange collection, providing one is available. 

Our recommended vet for neutering is in Can Picafort. Contact Marco +34 678 37 72 46.


Adoption - if you are interested in adopting to the UK or another country, please go to our page on adoption for further information. You will need to get paperwork completed ideally whilst you are in Mallorca and you will need to find foster care as we are limited on space. 

For local adoptions, we will contact you as soon as possible if you can send us your contact details by email.


Facebook support groups who may be able to help:

Cats Karma Flohmarkt

Calvia Cats

Adoptar Animales en Mallorca


Animals Pollenca

Furry Friends Mallorca

Animal Team Mallorca

Gatos y Gatitos Solo Mallorca

Ayuda Animales de Mallorca

Perros y otros animales perdidos/encontrados Mallorca

SOS Mallorca, Peros y Gatos

SOS Animales

Tierisches Mallorca


These are just some, but there are many more across the Island. Search Facebook for your specific area, speak to your local vets and local people in hotels and restaurants, they may know of local Associations to contact. 


Food Donations for our supported colonies

We would be extremely grateful to receive cat food donations. With over 100 supported colonies, there are a lot of cats relying on us. You can leave food donations at any of the following:

Bellavista Hotel, Carrer de les Monges, 14, Puerto Pollensa

Cris Centro de Fisioterapia, Medico Llopis 24

Al Fresco Deli, Mendez Nunez, Puerto Pollensa

Mallorca SUP Company, Carrer de Formentor


Please spread the word about the work we are doing here and encourage people to donate to our cause to support our work. Find and follow us on Facebook and become a part of our community. Cats have a right to live in the community and be treated humanely.  Please donate and join us to become part of the solution!

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         Registered Association: 311000010060                 Nif: G16590473


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